we all understand the importance of regular exercise. in order to become stronger it is essential to work your muscles. i am a regular runner, and when i want to go faster i have to change up my workouts. it is not enough to just to keep running the same distance at the same speed everyday to improve my running. furthermore, if i would just continue running the same thing all of the time eventually the benefits i gain from running would decrease…essentially losing the effects of running just by not including variety in my exercise routine.
the same thinking goes for our creative muscles. it is important to exercise the mind with a little creative thinking and problem solving outside of the normal routine. this is why i have decided to start exercising my creative muscles. every sunday night i am going to do a creative exercise outside of my normal design routine. for the first week of the experiment…i will be writing short and memorable headlines for air, water and pants:
“the unseen breath of life”
“keeping things hydrated”
“who wears them in your family?”
and so week one of my new creative exercise plan has ended. check back on monday to see what i have in store for next week.